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Decodable Books, Early Readers, and Early Chapter Books!
What are Decodable books?
Decodable books follow a logical order and help to build phonic knowledge gradually, allowing the readers the opportunity to practice making letter-sound connections.
Visit the Family Resource Page for more reading resources.
Early Chapter Books
Early chapter books help readers transition from picture books to
traditional chapter books.
Early Readers
Acorn Early Readers are intended for readers between the ages of 4-7. They help to boost fluency for beginning readers with colorful, fully illustrated stories, and easy-to-read text. Early Bird Readers are color coded stories for emergent readers. They contain silly, simple, and decodable stories, covering guided reading levels C-E.
Learning Kits are available to borrow at the Wead Library. These kits contain materials to learn and play with.
Each bag contains a detailed description of the kit's contents. Kits may include instructions, reading materials, and games on a topic or a concept to gain an understanding of it. They can be borrowed for up to 2 weeks at a time. Please visit the circulation desk or the online catalog for more information.
Current Kits
Food & Nutrition Kit
Let’s Explore Space Kit
Learn to Measure Kit
Emotions and Empathy Kit
Little Critter Phonics Kit
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